Walking the Circle of Life


Heal   Learn   Grow

The Power of Now

present moment peace Nov 15, 2022

What can I do about anything? Well, I can live in the present moment and be conscious of what I am thinking and doing. For example, it is midmorning and I plan to grocery shop before lunch. I know if I do that on an empty stomach my choices will include foods I prefer not to have in the house like cookies and big bags of chips. Knowing this about myself gives me clear choices. Choosing to have a healthy snack is for my highest good so that is what I will do. Making this choice is based on past experience when I had cookies instead...and came home without enough protein to get through the week!

Experiences like this are bringing me into the awareness that my personal power is stronger in the now and that making choices that result in my highest good creates peace in the present moment.

True power exists in the now. Peace exists in the present moment. I am creating my experiences moment-by-moment whether I'm conscious of that or not so practicing present moment awareness is...

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Present Moment

present moment peace Sep 27, 2022

This morning I listened to a short meditation on my Chopra app. It was titled "Observe the Mind." Less than 10 minutes long and a very simple technique. As you inhale, you think "Present Moment." As you exhale, you think "Peace." I have learned to appreciate simplicity. When I got out of bed, I found myself silently using these 2 simple phrases as I brushed my teeth, fixed tea, and dressed for my walk. I walk 20-30 mins every morning and using this technique as I walked drew me to clearer awareness of what I was feeling in my body as well as what I was seeing and hearing. I was immersed and enamored by each moment. 10 or so minutes into my walk, I was fully in the present moment.

Matching the words with the inhale and exhale was more natural when sitting. I chose a different technique when I walked. It was simpler to match the individual words with individual steps.  

It went like this:

Left: Present; Right: Moment; Left: Peace

Right: Present; Left: Moment; Right: Peace


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Two Step

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