Present Moment

This morning I listened to a short meditation on my Chopra app. It was titled "Observe the Mind." Less than 10 minutes long and a very simple technique. As you inhale, you think "Present Moment." As you exhale, you think "Peace." I have learned to appreciate simplicity. When I got out of bed, I found myself silently using these 2 simple phrases as I brushed my teeth, fixed tea, and dressed for my walk. I walk 20-30 mins every morning and using this technique as I walked drew me to clearer awareness of what I was feeling in my body as well as what I was seeing and hearing. I was immersed and enamored by each moment. 10 or so minutes into my walk, I was fully in the present moment.

Matching the words with the inhale and exhale was more natural when sitting. I chose a different technique when I walked. It was simpler to match the individual words with individual steps.  

It went like this:

Left: Present; Right: Moment; Left: Peace

Right: Present; Left: Moment; Right: Peace

And so on...

If my mind wandered to making a to do list, I took a breath or two and began again:

Left: Present; Right: Moment; Left: Peace

Right: Present; Left: Moment; Right: Peace

I found myself smiling at the early morning sun filtering through tree limbs or a squirrel scampering across a lawn. As I approached my apartment, peace, love for life and for the beauty of this world filled my heart and mind with joy and gratitude.

As I invite you to give this a try, I also remind you that doing it for even 4 or 5 breaths is a strong beginning. Release any tendency to do this (or anything) perfectly. Let it be a gentle way to begin your walk. Then immerse yourself in nature and re-visit PresentMoment/Peace when it feels good to you.

May Love, Joy, and Peace bathe your heart & mind today.

Contact me with questions, appointment requests, or whatever is on your mind and heart:   [email protected]            Please consider joining my online meditation groupπŸ’– 


50% Complete

Two Step

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