Walking the Circle of Life


Heal   Learn   Grow


are you satisfied? Sep 20, 2022

What does it mean to feel satisfied or fulfilled in my life? For me, it means to experience deep contentment even when the details are confusing or disappointing. It also means to be at peace with myself, others, and life in general. Coming into a place contentment or fulfillment is a process that requires me to live in the present moment while appreciating but not dwelling on the past nor obsessing about or fearing the future.

A powerful tool for me in learning to live more fully in the moment is the book by Deepak Chopra The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. Quoted below from the Introduction:

    ...we will remain unfulfilled unless we nurture the seeds of divinity inside us. In reality, we are divinity in disguise, and the gods and goddesses in embryo that are contained within us seek to be fully materialized. True success is therefore the experience of the miraculous. It is the unfolding of the divinity within us. It is the perception of divinity...

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You Are Marvelous and Wonderful

clarity Sep 13, 2022

Resting in God

You already are what 

you want to become.

You are a marvel. 

You are a wonder.

This quote is found in the Introduction of The Art of Living by Thich Nhat Hahn. May I suggest that you sit with this and go beyond thinking about it. Let yourself feel the truth of this, especially in light of all that you have been told about yourself in your lifetime. If you have been fortunate enough to have been told these truths, then rejoice and live from a place of deep gratitude and awe. Our country and our world would not be in such turmoil, confusion, and separation if more of us were living in the light of who we truly are. As these truths become real to us, may we live with deep compassion rather than judgement for those still unaware of their place in the heart of Divine Love. May we be instruments of love, understanding, and healing in all of our relationships and encounters. May we understand that each of us matters and is needed to create and manifest...

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Cause and Effect

karma Sep 06, 2022

All of the people in my young life were living from what I now call a "Western Mind." As a result the only time anyone used the word "Karma" was in the context of negative experiences generated by someone's choice(s). Most western religions were also teaching that we are born sinful and have to redeemed or saved in order to be a member of the family of God, whom I now call Divine Love. I never quite grasped how anyone could hold a newborn child and believe that child was starting life separated from its Creator, Who had to love that infant more than even a parent's heart and mind could grasp. I came into this life with a desire to explore these things more deeply and to be open to spiritual teachers from different belief systems or religions. Satisfying these burning desires has brought me to a Spiritual practice that feeds my Soul and that invites me to live from my True Self - a spiritual being currently having a human experience. This very simple definition of Karma that I...

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Be Open To Love

in all its forms Aug 23, 2022

This I know:

All That Really Matters Is Love

 With that in mind, I invite you to become and remain aware of opportunities to love and be loved. 

All That Really Matters Is Love


Contact me with questions, appointment requests, or whatever is on your mind and heart:   [email protected]            Please consider joining my online meditation group 

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Simple But True

abiding in peace Aug 16, 2022

It took me a while to learn that getting along with others could be easier, simpler than I realized. Here is one of the things I have learned:

When someone, anyone, asks me what I think about an idea or decision they are about to make, the most powerful response is:

I hear what you are saying.

What do you think is best for you?


What do you want to do?

If they ask if I would make that same choice, my response can be:

Truthfully, it doesn't matter what I would do.

What do you feel is right for you?

I would also remind my friend that I love her/him and will be supportive. Why do I find this powerful? Because my relationship with that person is more important to me than being right.

May you be abundantly blessed as your day unfolds.

Contact me with questions, appointment requests, or whatever is on your mind and heart:   [email protected]            Please consider joining my online meditation group 

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Develop Mindfulness

ways to get there Aug 09, 2022

Thich Nhat Hanh has been a teacher who led me simply into becoming, over time, more present in the moment. His books are a delectable source of food for the soul or True self - the being currently having this human experience. I created an outline from his book The Art of Living in order to have a one page guide to walking in the light of his teaching.  Here it is.


1. Reverence For Life

          Cultivate:   openness, non-discrination, non-attachment to views

2. True Happiness

          Commit to practicing generosity in

                            my thinking (was taught to hide what I think)

                            my speaking (taught to please others)


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Do You Wish...?

let it be easy Aug 01, 2022

A very short conversation with my LYFT driver this morning resulted in both of us being excited about getting our yoga practice back on track. Yes, even a former yoga teacher can "get out of the habit." At one point my driver said "I just don't know how to get where I want to be."  I told her that I was trying a new way & it was starting to help. Of course she wanted to know what it was.  Well, it is super simple and here it is.

First of all, I let myself off the hook about doing yoga every day. Then I let myself off the hook that required me to do 30-60 minutes every time. For example, I did a major grocery store run this morning and my low back feels tender. It is an area that bothers me quite often. As I type this, I am wearing my soft back brace and letting it rest. When I finish this, I will do a few gentle sitting spinal rotations, mountain pose concentrating on alignment as well as slow breathing, and end with a supported gentle back bend with my yoga...

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nature's gifts Jul 26, 2022

Is there anything that lightens the heart and brings you joy quite like a hummingbird? I have two feeders and a potted plant that has abundant blossoms.I can see them from inside and, of course, from anywhere in my yard. One of the ruby throated males is quite possessive unless his female is wanting to feed. She gets no fussing from him. Anyone else's presence creates a commotion and lots of chasing.

Pure joy to watch. I am smiling the entire time except when I am laughing out loud. Nature in general is a generous gift from the Creator and mountains also grace the view from my porch. The neighborhood is often like walking through a painting. So much to be seen, breathed in, appreciated.

Aaaah, and hummingbirds are the ribbon on the gift. Thank You, Mother Earth and Father Sky for the soil, seeds, water, sunshine and the humans who work with you to create this feast. Thank You.

Contact me with questions, appointment requests, or whatever is on your mind and heart:   ...

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Live Peacefully

create consciously Jul 12, 2022

From "ZEN Cards" by Daniel Levin:


Inner Peace Brings


Attain It,

And Life Works.

Give It Away





In All Activity, Practice


To Remain Calm Amidst

The Chaos Of Life Requires

A Tremendous Amount Of

Focused ENERGY. Be

Calmly Active And

Actively Calm.


ALL Beings Fear

Violence. All Beings

Fear Pain. When You See


Your Brothers And

Sisters, Then How Can

You Bring Harm

To Them?


Restore Harmony.

Create PEACE In

All Situations. Rather

Than Pushing The River,

FLOW With It.

Contact me with questions, appointment requests, or whatever is on your mind and heart:   [email protected]            Please consider joining my online meditation group 

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Acceptance Is Powerful

wise choices Jun 28, 2022

Balance and Harmony manifest in our lives when we live in the moment with acceptance of the known past and the unknown future. We cannot change the details of the past. We can change how we interpret it. We cannot control the future though we can plan and hope for the best. When the present is contrary to our hopes and choices, it can be confusing, frustrating, and discouraging. If we stay in those thought patterns, we have a good chance of inviting more confusion, frustration, and discouragement. Instead, I recommend looking at the situation with fresh eyes - perhaps with a trusted friend. Discover if something can be done differently. If there are alternatives, try a few and see what flows. If there are not alternatives, the most powerful choice is acceptance.

True acceptance calms the mind, emotions, and body. Acceptance in this present moment can open the door to wiser, even healing, choices. Accepting a person or situation doesn't mean you are inviting more of the same into...

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