Walking the Circle of Life


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You Will Still Be You

no matter what Nov 03, 2020

This blog entry will become visible on Election Day 2020. If you don't remember anything else from what I write, remember this:

No matter what the election results are,

YOU WILL STILL BE YOU at the core of your being.

Are we facing challenges? Yes. No matter who will be inaugurated in January 2021, our country and her citizens will be facing challenges. We are in the midst of the pandemic. Some of our leaders will be leaving office and some will remain. Newly elected leaders will take office. As an individual, they may not all be of my choosing or yours.

Change is inevitable. If you have not realized this yet, here is a truth of nature, spirituality, emotional/mental well-being:  nothing remains the same and everything is constantly changing. It can be as simple as my hair being thinner and grayer than it has ever been. It can be as complex as my consciousness being higher and I am not quite sure - yet - what that will bring into my life.

Change is inevitable. It is also...

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