You Will Still Be You

This blog entry will become visible on Election Day 2020. If you don't remember anything else from what I write, remember this:

No matter what the election results are,

YOU WILL STILL BE YOU at the core of your being.

Are we facing challenges? Yes. No matter who will be inaugurated in January 2021, our country and her citizens will be facing challenges. We are in the midst of the pandemic. Some of our leaders will be leaving office and some will remain. Newly elected leaders will take office. As an individual, they may not all be of my choosing or yours.

Change is inevitable. If you have not realized this yet, here is a truth of nature, spirituality, emotional/mental well-being:  nothing remains the same and everything is constantly changing. It can be as simple as my hair being thinner and grayer than it has ever been. It can be as complex as my consciousness being higher and I am not quite sure - yet - what that will bring into my life.

Change is inevitable. It is also inevitable that I will be happy and comfortable with some changes and unhappy and uncomfortable with other changes. Either way, life will require me to adapt and grow and become more truly me. Read that last sentence again (maybe several times more!). In fact, here it is in bold type: Either way, life will require me to adapt and grow and become more truly me.

This is the true goal, the higher goal of every experience I grow and become more truly me. Do you believe you are only your gender, age, name, position in a family, job title, retired, etc.? Do you know that your True Self transcends all of those identifiers? Slow down as you read this next paragraph and try it on.

You are a Spiritual Being, an Eternal Soul, who is currently having a human experience. In this human experience, others recognize and relate to you - on the human level - as a personality with a gender, age, name, position in a family, job title, retired, etc. Your Soul is manifesting its presence in a way that others can recognize and interact with and relate to you. Their Souls are doing the same thing so that you can interact with and relate to them as well.

In light of this, the way you navigate or handle what happens on Election Day 2020 is the same way you navigate, handle, and experience everything once you begin to awaken to the truth of your Soul; once you begin to understand what you are experiencing from a place of higher awareness than you had before you began meditating and turning within. In our spiritual practices, as we each choose to define and remain faithful in, we are always growing and maturing into our own Truth, our True Self. Our manifestation as a human being matures and expands as our awareness expands and we develop a deeper understanding, compassion, and love from the Divine Presence within us. We see the value in our differences and in what we share in common. We come to a place where we no longer demand that everyone agree with us because we know the value of healthy and wise compromise. We seek the ability to reach for higher ground and the higher good of all.

I am holding each of you as well as my beloved country in my thoughts, prayers, and meditations today. Let me know how you are doing and remember that we are one of soul and heart - whether we voted for the same people or not.

I love you.

Contact me with questions, appointment requests, or whatever is on your mind and heart:   [email protected] Please consider joining my online meditation group💖


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