Walking the Circle of Life


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Blown Out of My Comfort Zone

life is relentless Sep 27, 2021

Life is what it is no matter who you are or how you have planned to live your life. Two weeks ago I blogged about my comfort zone and today I am writing about being blown out of it. No literary exaggeration here. Friday morning I was blown out of my comfort zone. I went to the dentist because of a very small chip that I discovered on the back of a front tooth. I felt completely numb during the ride home. Not really knowing it then, I was in a state of mental and emotional shock. It was milder than it would have been even a few years ago. Deep inside there was and is a calmness emanating from the depths of my being, from my very soul. I was facing major dental work on four front teeth not just the one front tooth with a chip in it. My teeth are not quite as old as I am because I had baby teeth first, right? These things happen as teeth age. I can do this. I'll just call my financial advisor for help with the smart way to proceed. Right? I can do this because it is what is...

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