Walking the Circle of Life


Heal   Learn   Grow

Come Home to The Truth of Who You Are

god in you Feb 01, 2022

I decided the other day to re-read, or at least skim through, I book I read a while ago, This time I chose The Book of Knowledge by Don Miguel Ruiz. Chapter 3 is titles "The Lie of My Imperfection." Even typing that I stop and re-read the title out loud.Then I read the highlighted parts several times and sit with my eyes closed, breathing these truths in, trusting that I am absorbing them into my bone marrow, into the depths of my being. As I look back over my life, all 76 years of it, I see that being able to see these truths and then allowing myself to heal so that my True Self could manifest  has been the crux of my human journey. I do not know where you are in your human/spiritual journey but thought you might appreciate a few of Don Miguel Ruiz's thoughts.  

Excerpts From
The Voice of Knowledge
Don Miguel Ruiz
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“The way I learn about myself is by...

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