Walking the Circle of Life


Heal   Learn   Grow

Life Is A Series of Choices

choose wisely Oct 12, 2021

I realize as I type the topic of this blog that I could type way a lot of words about this! Then I read an intention I formed 30 years ago:

I will make choices that nourish and enrich me

so that I am more able to enjoy my life.

I cannot be at my best if I do not

give myself the best.

 What else is there to say?

I simply suggest that you sit with these words. Find what works for you without judgement or comparing yourself to others. 


Contact me with questions, appointment requests, or whatever is on your mind and heart:   [email protected]            Please consider joining my online meditation group 

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How To Live With All This

choose wisely Aug 31, 2021

Let me begin by saying I definitely do not have all the answers; I do have a few suggestions that work for me - most of the time.

World events are absolutely overwhelming right now. It doesn't seem possible to have this many crises at once....and then add in personal challenges that may be even more difficult to process. However, only deep denial would allow anyone to ignore it all completely. For those of us who are empathic and/or live from an inner state of love and compassion, this experience can be exhausting mentally, emotionally, and physically.

I can feel many of you saying, "You can say that again!!" Ok, I will:     For those of us who are empathic and/or live from an inner state of love and compassion, this experience can be exhausting.

Here are my suggestions:

Meditate - Every day and however many times a day you feel the need. During the first 7 months of the pandemic, I faithfully meditated for 30 minutes every morning. I also did 5-15 minute meditations...

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