Walking the Circle of Life


Heal   Learn   Grow


These three words describe the course of my lifetime. As I sit at my keyboard, I realize they make sense in any order:

HEAL...LEARN...GROW:     I had to discover how to heal myself by releasing counterproductive or harmful behaviors. Once the healing began to take hold, I was able to open up to clearer, healthier ways to live and interpret life. This resulted in mental and emotional growth, understanding, maturity.

LEARN...GROW...HEAL:     As a child, I learned a lot about what works in life by watching others. I tried on different behaviors, seeking approval and a sense of belonging. As I grew toward adulthood, I sought marriage and a family and I was blessed with both. I also faced disappointment and tragedy which taught me what I needed to heal from within.

GROW...HEAL...LEARN:     All through life I have been blessed with loving, compassionate spiritual teachers. They came to me through both the Catholic and Protestant sides of the Christian family....

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