Walking the Circle of Life


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Transcendent Unity

Many years ago, during a health crisis that kept me in the process of diagnosis for 6 months, I entered into an experience known as "a dark night of the soul." This experience is more common than I realized at the time because it is not often shared due to the fact that it involves an individual's personal spiritual journey. My doctor was a brilliant internist and, through our many hours together, I recognized he was also very spiritual. At my lowest point, when I asked him if I needed to be on a psych ward, he asked if I was willing to speak with a friend of his who was a Catholic priest. Without hesitation, I agreed. I was born into the Catholic faith and then became a Protestant and rather well-known Bible Teacher in my 30's. There was a reason I came to know and practice m faith in both "sides" of the Christian house. It prepared my heart and mind to receive truth on a deeper, wider level.

The Catholic priest I met with manifested such a depth of understanding, love, and...

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