Walking the Circle of Life


Heal   Learn   Grow


savor the moment May 21, 2023

As this journey of recovery from a seizure and learning to allow the time my brain needs to reboot is unfolding, I am discovering the joy of talking with those I love rather than texting. You read that correctly!

Talking is Better than Texting

Texting is extremely useful to exchange and arrange details of all kinds. I understand it's use  for more than that but ... there is nothing like a phone call or a video call with someone you love and don't see very often to bring unbounded joy to the mind and heart.

I could give you a number of examples from experiences I have had in the last few days but I would rather let you have your own experiences. So...I invite you to call someone you haven't seen or spoken with in a while and just start with "You've been on my mind and I thought I would call so that I could hear your voice. I love and miss you. What have you been up to?"

I Dare You to Accept my invitation!

We only have right now and even this isn't 100% guaranteed my friends.


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