Walking the Circle of Life


Heal   Learn   Grow

When The Night Is Still

There are times when I wake at about 3:30 am. After a sip of water, I resettle myself and soon realize sleep will not return. Some weeks more times than not this is my experience. This time of year my windows are open so I fall asleep to cicadas, crickets or night bird songs. When I awaken now, the night is still. So still I can hear the white noise in my own head. Lately I have been able to dissolve into this soft inner sound and return to sleep. Not every time.

When it isn't happening, I simply have to surrender to the experience of resting without sleeping. I am grateful for the lack of frustration that arises now when the initial bouts of early arousal begin. Now, I meditate, pray for others or seek the inner wisdom I am needing for a decision.

The world is so unbelievably still during these hours. A gentle reminder that I also am created and designed for stillness. It is my fundamental nature, my True Self, the essence of my being. Once discovered, it became my oasis...

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