Walking the Circle of Life


Heal   Learn   Grow


Balance is the answer to so many things on so many levels. It is the morning of our recent time change and I have physical balance on my mind. I woke up over two hours earlier than usual and may have dozed a bit but never returned to true sleep. Meditation and pranayama (guiding the breath) filled the time. My body consistently shows me the folly of human beings thinking they can manipulate and control nature. My body doesn't know what time a clock says.

There is a simple meditation with breath and finger acupressure that ventilates the chakras. I love that word ventilate. Let's open up and air out our energy system! Read through the instructions and then begin. Throughout this practice hold the intention of balance.

Sit comfortably with your hands in prayer position at the heart. Breathe softly and slowly until you feel your shoulders relax and your mind begin to focus. Bring the awareness to the hands and separate them about a half-inch, keeping the palms facing...

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