Walking the Circle of Life


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Living From The Expansiveness Of Your Soul

free to be me higher self Jun 30, 2020

In spite of the changes in our lives as a result of the pandemic, some amazing things are coming out of all of this. Not the least of which is the opportunity to explore and live from the expansiveness of your soul.

There are many ways to describe the Essence of Being that is manifesting through this body and personality. This Essence is known as the spirit, soul, True Self, Inner Wisdom, Higher Self, etc. When I become aware of "someone" looking out the portals of my eyes to see this world, I am connecting with this Inner Being. This is the real me. I like the terms True Self and Soul. This is that part of me that is untouched by the traumas of human life. It is One with All That Is. It is eternal.

The process of enlightenment is remembering (re-membering, re-connecting with) that Essence that is Divine, that is Love manifesting in human form. Once remembered, the Soul flourishes and brings the higher levels of awareness that heal and expand me physically, mentally,...

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