Walking the Circle of Life


Heal   Learn   Grow

Coming Back Around

grace learn to dance Jun 02, 2020

Life truly is a circle that never ends. A circle can be open with a section of its arc not connected. A circle can be closed with no openning in its border. A circle can draw into itself and encompass a smaller area. It can also expand and enlarge the area it encompasses. When you walk the circumference of a circle, it brings you back to where you started.

How often have you said "I take one step forward and three steps back"? I no longer resonate with that statement. Seeing life with more fluid movement rather than linear (going forward or back along a given line) has changed my perspective. When I find myself dealing with a familiar issue, I now experience it as revisiting something to see how far I have come or to clear a bit of residue that has risen to the top of my awareness. At times I receive an insight that was blocked by my earlier interpretations.

Life is a process and it brings me back around to experiences, attitudes, even people that I need to revisit, whether I always...

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