Walking the Circle of Life


Heal   Learn   Grow

My Weekend Retreat

Many years ago while living in Las Vegas, I was working full time and feeling worn down by it all. I treated myself to a weekend retreat from so many people, business, the heat. My memories remind me of important lessons and choices:

Bella, my little furry friend, and I snuggle in the chilly mountain air, fireplace lit, and music playing. We walk, rest, read, doze. She is a sweet companion. So lovely to have a dog to bring with me. She came to me through the cocker rescue group, a foundling abandoned to the desert wind, without a history. Her story unknown makes no difference for we are not our stories. She is love wrapped in a small package and her life warms mine.

As I gain clarity regarding issues at work, people stuff, I realize this:

I live life large - large of heart and mind. To focus on the behavior of another makes my life small...and I live life large.

Again life reminds me that you cannot make a person see what they cannot see. Each of us can only live from the...

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