Walking the Circle of Life


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State of Being

creating peace Jan 25, 2022

Serenity is defined as a state of being in which a person is untroubled, calm, and peaceful. I began seeking and exploring this state of being quite early in my adult life. As a member of Al-Anon, my mind opened to the possibility of developing this trait rather than continuing to try to fix and/or change others. That was a gift I do not even try to describe! It was during those mid-life years that I discovered yoga and meditation as tools to bring balance to my life mentally, emotionally, and physically. As you may know, I taught Hatha yoga for many years and that included a brief meditation at the end of practice. I also began holding monthly full moon meditations for those interested. During those years, I was privileged to witness transformation in my students as they became faithful to their own practices, desires, and goals. 

Life is definitely a journey of discovery. Discovery includes trying on different types of exercise, exploring meditation to find what fits...

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