Walking the Circle of Life


Heal   Learn   Grow

A Human Experience

a spiritual being Jun 15, 2021

In the words of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, “we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

Are you exhausting yourself as you work hard to be more spiritual? Or are you discovering how to be human? One day as I walked yesterday, I was almost run over by squirrels at play. It was so funny. They were magnificent at being squirrels and they could have cared less that a two-legged being crossed their paths! I laughed and realized I could have that much fun being human!

I hear you thinking, "Well, it isn't always fun being human." You are correct and it isn't always fun being a squirrel either. The thing is, do I have to let the challenging, not-so-fun parts of life take away from the parts that are fun? Or can I learn from nature that it is okay to move from one state to another and simply experience the one I am in at the time because, either way, it isn't going to last forever?

I am a passionate person. My...

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