The Four Soul Questions

I am a certified Instructor of Primordial Sound Meditation. A primary part of this meditation format is beginning with the Four Soul Questions. These have been so effective in my personal practice that I often use them in other meditation styles or formats. I will share them in this week's blog and invite you to try them on whether you plan to meditate for 5 minutes or 30 minutes, whether you have a personal mantra or will use one like AUM Shanti Shanti (Universal Peace Peace), or you want to simply sit quietly after you use them.

Sit comfortably in a quiet space.  Always remember that we do not answer these questions. We put them out to the Universe, to Divine Love in All That Is and we trust that the answers we need during this part of our spiritual journey will come to us when we are ready to receive them.

The Four Soul Questions:

Who Am I?  Repeat this a few times silently as you draw your awareness within. Underneath gender, age, titles, etc. Who is the being having this human experience?

What Do I Want?  From the depths of my being, what do I want as I meditate and as my spiritual journey unfolds?

What Is My Purpose? How can I lovingly support others?

What Am I Grateful For?  Allow people or experiences to come to mind and thank Divine Love.

Release these questions and the answers out to Divine Love and sit quietly with your awareness settling in your heart center. Use a mantra or listen to a recorded meditation. Please be gentle with yourself. Five quiet minutes after these questions, especially more than once a day, is more helpful than forcing longer periods of time that only frustrate and discourage you.

I am available if you desire support, more information, etc.

Contact me with questions, appointment requests, or whatever is on your mind and heart:   [email protected]            Please consider joining my online meditation group💖 


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