Saying Thank You

Saying thank you is such a simple thing & it comes naturally to many of u in the grocery store or a doctor's office. A number of years ago I walked to my car after teaching a yoga class. It was almost 10:00 PM. A police care was parked next to me and I felt grateful and safer. I stowed my yoga gear and decided to leave a note on the windshield. Pulling out one of my business cards, I wrote:

Thank you for showing up for work tonight.

I felt safer as I walked to my car after teaching a class. 

I lived less than 10 minutes from there & my phone rang before I made it home. It was the police officer calling to thank me. He told me he had never been thanked for doing his job before and he was blown away.

That didn't feel right to me so I started a new habit. Whenever I see a police officer or a fire fighter and I can approach them without interrupting them, I ask to shake their hand and I thank them for showing up because I appreciate them and all that they do for us...especially those things I may never know about.

Just a case you want to experience the joy of blessing another person, especially one you don't know.

Contact me with questions, appointment requests, or whatever is on your mind and heart:   [email protected]            Please consider joining my online meditation group💖  


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