Life Is What It Is

Generally speaking I take life as it comes because what else can I do? Now and then life takes me beyond my ability to cope. About a month ago I woke up in a hospital with no idea why I was there or how I got there. I am still processing what I have learned from others about what happened and trying to understand what I am experiencing now. 

I just went back and read my last blog...published a few days before that experience. I quoted Don Miguel Ruiz. His words are profoundly true for me as I heal because he so beautifully describes the gift I have been given. It is the gift of re-membering who I am; it is a time of re-inventing the human manifestation of my True Self, my Soul. 

I often remind myself, and others, that I am a spiritual being who is currently having a human experience. I have never been more sure that this is true AND that I am learning to consciously choose and create what the very nature of this current human experience is. I am asking myself clearly:

---Who IS the being having this experience?

---Am I manifesting THE truth of who I am or am I manifesting a personality and identity that have been defined and taught to me by others?

---AND how does this traumatic, challenging experience influence my Truth and the answers to these questions and others that will emerge as I heal and grow?

My personal journey has become one of even deeper introspection, deeper questioning, confusion, waiting for balance & clarity. It is uncomfortable to say the least. I choose to be consistent in my spiritual practices, share and receive love, and allow life to unfold. What else can any of us do? Life is what it is in any given moment and/or situation. May I live my Truth lovingly, clearly, with compassion for myself and others.

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Contact me with questions, appointment requests, or whatever is on your mind and heart:   [email protected] 


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