Crazy Town

Have you ever been to Crazy Town?

I suppose there are as many definitions of Crazy Town as there are people who live or visit there. My son brought this awareness to his sister and myself by responding to something by saying "Well, now you're just going to Crazy Town! Is that where you want to be?"

Crazy Town exists in our heads, in our thoughts. Given enough energy and validity, Crazy Town can begin to take form in this reality however. I have witnessed a few instances where people brought Crazy Town to life in their homes or jobs. It is best left and dealt with at the thought level and not a place I prefer to visit at all if I can help it.

Crazy Town looms on the horizon when I am distracted from True Self, whether I have fallen into old thought patterns or whether I am overwhelmed by the choices others make. My mind begins to have a heyday as I am sucked into anxiety, shock, or fear. When I was a young woman, this was a rather common pattern in my life and the people in my life went there as often as I did so the journey was reinforced more often than not. Attending my first bible study-prayer group in my late twenties began to turn the tide. People were talking about love, peace, and gratitude in ways that were foreign to me at the time. My awareness heightened and going into the silence, meditating and being still began to call to my Soul. I discovered the contemplative side of my nature and True Self began to unfold within.

Crazy Town became a place that disrupted my peace and I sought the awareness and understanding to seek other paths and destinations, other ways to interpret life and to think about what I was experiencing. I now know what seems like the truth is often beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors that are learned and that actually are showing me who I am NOT. When I am distracted from the peace and oneness that I Am, my mind wants to circle with the ideas and opinions that others are spouting. I guess it feels familiar or it is just something for the monkey mind to do. As soon as I feel tension in my solar plexus or tightness in my jaw, I know I need to be more present, more aware of what I am experiencing. My Soul is calling me to that awareness because I am about to venture out onto that road to Crazy Town.

I don't like Crazy Town. It is exhausting and counter-productive to spend any time there at all. So, I return to the silence, even if it is for three slow breaths as I sit in my car. I turn my awareness into the sweetness of my Soul and I remember that I Am One with All That Is. Most of the time, I can shake my head and laugh quietly for a moment thinking, "Catherine Ann, you almost went to Crazy Town! That is so not where you want to be!"

If you find yourself in Crazy Town, be gentle with yourself as you find your way back to the peace and joy of your Soul. Frustration and judgement are not helpful in your return journey. Just come home, precious one, and rest. Then spend time doing something that brings love and laughter to your heart and mind. Remind yourself that enlightenment is an unfolding, an experience of ongoing discovery, understanding and awareness.

May we abide in the peace of our Soul. May we immerse ourselves in love and light. May Crazy Town be a distant memory of a life once lived before we remembered who we are.

 Contact me with questions, appointment requests, or whatever is on your mind and heart:   [email protected] Please consider joining my online meditation groupπŸ’–


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