Balance Requires Opposites

Today is election day in the United States. RecentlyI have heard myself repeatedly share with students and friends that it is important to remember that what we need is the balance created by opposites. To walk without falling, I must distribute my weight evenly between my right and left legs. To create another human being, male & female elements are required. I could go on and on but instead, I will say just this:


May we create balance & harmony

in our state and national governments.

May we remember that it isn't necessary

that we all agree

all of the time.

It is necessary that we seek

to listen and understand one another

in order to

create the highest good of all.

God Bless America.


Contact me with questions, appointment requests, or whatever is on your mind and heart:   [email protected]            Please consider joining my online meditation groupπŸ’–  


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