Accepting Support

Many of us were raised to help others. Giving of ourselves, whether donating to charity or offering rides, from an open mind and heart is a blessing. How many of us were taught to receive just as openly and graciously? I wasn't. Until a spiritual teacher taught me that accepting support graciously, even joyously, allows space for God/Divine Love to bless others.

Is it necessary for me to say anything else? Maybe a little. Notice how you feel, what you say in response, even the tone of your voice when you express gratitude. Just this morning, a friend texted that she was going to check on something I need. She thinks she knows some one who can and who may be available to do so. There was a time in my life when my response, delivered in an unworthy voice, would have been "Oh please don't trouble yourself about this. You are so busy." My response today was very different. This is the response she received when I texted her back:  Wow! Thank you!

Something to consider during this season of giving and receiving.

Contact me with questions, appointment requests, or whatever is on your mind and heart:   [email protected]            Please consider joining my online meditation group💖 


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